Max Meditation

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Are you ready to take your meditation practice to the next level? Look no further than the Max Meditation System! Created by renowned teacher Gudni Gudnason, this five-part system incorporates techniques from India and Tibet to help you achieve a deeper level of meditation. Say goodbye to stress and tension and hello to greater control […]

Astral Travel Class

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Astral Travel Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of expanding consciousness by travelling outside of your body.  If you are interested in reaching higher levels of conscious during meditation, then this class is for you.  You will have the opportunity to expand your consciousness during meditation and learn ritual prayers to protect […]

Max Meditation

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Are you ready to take your meditation practice to the next level? Look no further than the Max Meditation System! Created by renowned teacher Gudni Gudnason, this five-part system incorporates techniques from India and Tibet to help you achieve a deeper level of meditation. Say goodbye to stress and tension and hello to greater control […]

Max Meditation

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Are you ready to take your meditation practice to the next level? Look no further than the Max Meditation System! Created by renowned teacher Gudni Gudnason, this five-part system incorporates techniques from India and Tibet to help you achieve a deeper level of meditation. Say goodbye to stress and tension and hello to greater control […]

Max Meditation

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Are you ready to take your meditation practice to the next level? Look no further than the Max Meditation System! Created by renowned teacher Gudni Gudnason, this five-part system incorporates techniques from India and Tibet to help you achieve a deeper level of meditation. Say goodbye to stress and tension and hello to greater control […]

Empower Thyself Class

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

The Empower Thyself course is a powerful 2-day course that will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings that will offer you greater awareness about who you are and empower you with sacred information that has been kept hidden for thousands of years. You will have a deeper understanding of Angels and Archangels, how the Hierarchy of […]

12 Races: Magickal Beings of Earth

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Have you ever been curious about other beings that have been portrayed in movies like Lord of the Rings? Discover how much of it is real, and what is the truth based on ancient lineage wisdom teachings. This class highlights the other races that share Planet Earth with us. These beings, referred to as ‘Elementals’ […]

Journeys of the Spirit

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Experience the Journeys of your Spirit in this guided meditation and intuition workshop. Learn new meditation and visualization techniques to harness more abundance, personal empowerment, healing, creativity, divine union, love and connection to your higher self. Guided Meditation Journeys for: Intuition Development Sanctuary 12 Keys Meditation Mother Gaia meditation Element of Water meditation Element of […]

Spiritual Intuition

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Discover more about your intuitive senses and how to work with them more actively.  This class will help you to understand different ways of perceiving spiritual information, which one is easiest for you and will support you in trusting your intuition as a tool for wisdom and guidance in your life

Sanctuary Meditation

White Bear Lake 4525 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Using an active meditation process, you will learn a tried and true meditation technique that will teach you how to connect with y our sanctuary and introduce you to your higher self and your guides.  You will come away with the ability to engage with higher levels of yourself on a regular basis.  This class […]